Python development with NetBeans in Ubuntu 8.10
For a time I’ve been searching for a good python editor under Ubuntu. I’ve tried :
- SPE : Does not work in Turkish Locale. Have set LC_ALL = C before running. Also not so good in editing in html, css and js
- Eric : Somehow I could not feel comfortable with it.
- Komodo Edit : Fine in editing multiple types files, but lacks many python editing features. Comprasion with Komodo IDE is here.
- Eclipse : Far too complex for me.
- Komodo IDE : Powerfull enough for editing css, js, html and python. It has good code completion support, and can debug python. Also has a good source browser. Bu it is commercial and somehow it seemed slow for me while editing files, changing editor windows.
So far the ideal editor was the Komodo IDE. But I have new a candidate : NetBeans ! An early access edition of Netbeans with Python support is released. It can be downloaded from here. It nearly have all the features that I want from an editor :
- Code completion
- A Usable and fast source browser
- A usable directory browser
- Debugging
- Fast response in editor
- Renaming / refactoring
- Good code highlighting
- Ability to edit html, js and css
- jQuery support
And the additional features I’ve liked are :
- A database browser. Comes very handy when developing db applications.
- Ability to connect to Firebird through Firebird JDBC driver.
- Very nice tips about coding style
- Very fast startup time.
More detailed information is on the wiki of NetBeans.
To install NetBeans 6.5, first install sun java6 SDK which is in multiverse repositories :
sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk
Then download it, and make it executable and run 🙂